Duct Burners from Forney Corporation meet the complex needs of the combined cycle and cogeneration industry. Forney’s adVantage® duct burner is the choice for the most demanding conditions of advanced gas turbine applications, where inlet oxygen of the Turbine Exhaust Gas (TEG) is low or the water vapor is high.
Low inlet oxygen and high water vapor levels have typically required duct burners to be provided with augmenting air. Forney’s adVantage® design reduces or even removes the need for augmenting air by using an exclusive mixing process, that optimizes the existing oxygen in the turbine exhaust.
The outstanding CO and VOC emissions performance is a product of turbulent mixing from the adVantage® duct burner design. The lower emissions available from the Forney adVantage® duct burner can help to offset other plant costs such as downstream emission reduction equipment.
Less sensitivity to inlet flow distribution is another benefit to the Forney adVantage® duct burner. This means the same low emission performance even with wide TEG flow profiles. Through the exclusive mixing process, Forney adVantage® duct burner produces a shorter flame length for the same pressure drop as recirculation type burners. Shorter flame lengths require less downstream duct distance and allow a greater residence time to mix with the bulk TEG and improve temperature distribution from the burner.
Forney supplies a complete scope of equipment with each duct burner system.
Horizontal (or vertical) Burner Elements
Integral Flow Baffles
ANSI B31.1 Fuel Skid
Burner Management System
Redundant Scanner Cooling Air Blowers
MAXFire® Igniter with HESI
Flame Scanner
Pressure Reducing Station
Fuel Flow Measurement
Individual Element Isolation
Interconnecting Piping
ANSI B31.3 Fuel Skid
Duct cross sections: 3 to 50 feet (0.91 to 15.25 meter)
Heat inputs: 10 to 1100 MMBtu/hr (2.93 to 322 MW)
Inlet oxygen levels: ≥ 10.5% wet without augmenting air
Inlet H2O: ≤ 20% without augmenting air
TEG distribution to the burner: ± 20% of the average velocity over 90% of the cross section
For most advanced gas turbine applications firing natural gas – assuming < 12% wet H2O; Firing Temperatures>1200°F (649°C), we offer the following emission guarantees in HHV over turndown – without augmenting air:
adVantage® Technical Bulletin
Publication Number 404004-03
adVantage Flyer with Standard Pricing
Publication Number 404004-01